Start Your Consultation

    General Information

    Write “N/A” if the section is Not Applicable to your case

    * Your Name (last, first, middle)

    * Address

    * City

    * State

    * Zip Code

    Phone (Home)

    * Phone (Cell)

    Maiden Name

    Wish to restore maiden name?

    * Email

    * Date of Birth

    * State of Residence

    * Length of Residence in Colorado

    * Opposing Party’s Name

    * Opposing Party’s Address

    * City

    * State

    * Zip Code

    * Date of Birth

    * Opposing Party’s Attorney (if any)

    Children of the Marriage (Names, Dates of Birth & Current address)

    Specific Matter Information

    Write “N/A” if the section is Not Applicable to your case

    New Case or Existing Case

    Case Number and County

    Any upcoming hearings scheduled?

    * Briefly explain what you may need advice about or assistance with today (Divorce, Defamation, Drug Charges, etc.)

    * Is the Wife Currently Pregnant

    Date of Marriage

    * County and State of Marriage

    Date of Separation (if applicable)

    * Any Restraining Orders (If yes provide name of restrained party, case #, date, etc)

    * Is the Department of Humans Services currently involved or has it been involved in the past

    Employment Information


    * Employer

    * Job Title or Occupation

    * Work Phone Number

    * May we contact you here

    * Gross Annual Pay

    * Date Last Worked

    * Member of the Armed Forces (If so, please state Branch of Service and Rank)

    Opposing Party:

    * Employer

    * Job Title or Occupation

    * Work Phone Number

    * Gross Annual Pay

    * Date Last Worked

    * Member of the Armed Forces (If so, please state Branch of Service and Rank)

    * Please list any and all current and past attorneys and law firms associated with your case, including those who have represented you or opposing party.

    Attorney Fees – Retainer

    Retainer and other instructions goes here

    * Based upon this information, do you have the financial ability and/or third party financial support available to you in the event you wish to retain this law firm?

    How did you hear about our Firm?

    (A Friend, Internet Search, Radio Advertisement, AVVO, Former Client or Present Client)

    NOTICE: This office does not represent you with regard to the matters set forth by you herein in this INITIAL MATTER EVALUATION until both you and the Firm enter into a Legal Representation Agreement and the Initial Retainer has been paid.

    Your electronic signature acknowledges only that you received a copy of this completed information sheet and does not reflect an agreement by either yourself or the Firm to enter into any formal Attorney-Client Agreement. You acknowledge the same by executing below.

    Type your full name (First, Middle, Last)